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Event Date:
October 10, 2020

Event Time:
15:00 – 16:00 BST

Event Location:
Virtual – Zoom
Just 20 Tickets Available For Only £10! All Proceeds Donated to Marley’s Equine Rescue Centre.
With the recent rain and the mud season upon us, I’ve been inspired to fund raise for Marley’s Equine Rescue Centre based near me in Sevenoaks in Kent. Run by Maxine Fuller, she does a fantastic job of rescuing, caring for and rehoming those that she can. All proceeds from this Virtual Animal Communication Demo will go towards funding MUDCONTROL INB® SLABS to create a footpath from the hard footing area outside the open barn out to the grazing fields. As you can see from one of MUDCONTROL’s videos below, equines are able use the single track and we plan to create at least one, if not two single tracks to allow safe and easy movement for them all, as well as the people who help out at the Centre including myself 😊
There are 20 tickets available for this Saturday’s Virtual Animal Communication Demo at 3-4pm BST at £10 each.
Your ticket price can also be off-set on a private Animal Communication & Coaching Call with myself booked directly after the Demo event and all proceeds will go to this fundraising effort. If sufficient funds are received donations will also contribute to the Centre’s winter hay feed bill.

Your ticket price can also be off-set on a private Animal Communication & Coaching Call with myself booked directly after the Demo event and all proceeds will go to this fundraising effort. If sufficient funds are received donations will also contribute to the Centre’s winter hay feed bill.

Please enter the amount to donate below

What if your equine or animal could speak to you? What would you ask them? What would they share with you? Animal Communicator, Coach & Author, Rachael Beesley connects with horses and ponies as well as other animals – both passed and living – through a photograph of them to accurately share their outlook on life, deepening your understanding of each other and often yourself.
Rachael will endeavour to communicate with three equines or animals with their people. All three will be chosen at random by Rachael from those in attendance, with Q&A’s around each one.
If you’d like the chance to hear from your animal in this unique and fascinating way be sure to secure your ticket now. Tickets have been priced at only £10 and all proceeds will be donated to Marley’s Equine Rescue Centre.
You’ll also be able to off-set the ticket amount off a future private Call with Rachael for you and your equine or animal following the Demo Event should you wish to. All proceeds will be donated to this fundraising effort.
Upon booking we’ll be in touch with full details about the Group Zoom Call – Zoom.us is a free platform much like Skype, downloadable on most devices and easy to use. The only other thing you need do is email us a digital photograph of your equine or animal along with their name in advance of the Zoom Call.
Here is some feedback from the Virtual Demo Events Rachael held in April and May earlier this year:-

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