Hear and read about my clients’ experiences and what they kindly share about the multi-dimensional value of giving their animals a voice in this way:
Case Studies

Rachael does absolutely mind-blowing work. It’s always a lovely outcome and it has helped us understand our equine rescues more than once, plus helped the horses understand us! Highly recommend!
It was such a pleasure to have Rachael work with Spirit and I. She helped with my confidence with the things I know about my mare and enlightened me on the things I wasn’t so sure of! The bond we had before was unbreakable, the bond we have now after being able to communicate through Rachael is unimaginable! Not only was communicating with my mare amazing, but working with Rachael herself was so uplifting as she is such a kind and gentle soul!
Thank you so so much!
Spirit and I are incredibly grateful for helping us communicate and listening to us both🥰
“I thought I needed to train her more” – Hear how a giving a “seemingly” aggressive mare a voice through Rachael turned their relationship around
Case Studies

I can only speak extremely highly of Rachael and her incredible gift to communicate with horses.
If I am completely honest – I did not know if I believed that someone could connect with animals but after being told my horse had to be put down, I felt so hopeless and completely devastated that I was recommended to speak with Rachael and I’m just so so thankful I did.
Before I lost my boy, Rachael acted so quickly for me and connected with my Merlin on several occasions and said things that ONLY someone with a true gift would have connected with as I didn’t give any information on his injury…!
Rachael was just so caring and I felt like talking to her really was like talking to Merlin and I am so thankful I had this as my last experience with my beautiful boy.
What a wonderful woman and a incredible gift. Especially if you are loosing an animal or know of someone who is, I urge you to share Rachael’s gift with them because it helped more than words can explain.
Thank you Rachael – I am forever grateful
Love Merlin and I xxx
Years in the equestrian world & how animal communication still helps
Rachael Beesley did some amazing work for me with Shanthi Rose – we are still trying to piece together her past and what little we now know makes for not a very pleasant life up until she came to us. I cannot thank Rachael Beesley enough for taking the time to learn things from Shanthi that we may have guessed at or had hints at but her past life has seen much cruelty and suffering. That she was able to come to us nearly a year ago with Gertie by her side and then to safely deliver the lovely Tutu stands testament to her resilience and now thankfully she and her last two foals are safe. To truly understand your horses it is sometime necessary to look beyond your own connection and to ask another to ask those questions. Past horrors are not willingly recalled but we now have enough information to be satisfied that Shanthi’s past is not a place she wishes to revisit but she is happy with her present situation and her carers/custodians. So a big thank you to Rachael – I HIGHLY recommend her! www.mirrorme.co.uk
Book your own session now!
He’d been ready to say his goodbyes … Hear how a remote Equine Communication & Coaching Call with Outrageous and his owner Mandy assisted the veterinary process
“We just clicked suddenly” – Hear what a difference a session made to Sabrina’s relationship with her new horse Sovereign
Rachael’s work is amazing. She’s connected with my horses as a ‘maintenance’ check-in, which was very entertaining as they were both clearly showing off to her! I noticed a real improvement in my relationship with my newest horse following her reading, not only because I had a better idea of what he liked and disliked, but also I feel he appreciated being asked and listened to. Rachael recently gave me huge clarity and reassurance in an extremely stressful situation when my noble 25yro gelding had a horrible accident in the field – I rang the vet and my next call was to contact Rachael. I know I can trust her not only to give me an accurate insight into their thoughts and feelings, but also that she will deliver that information to me with tact and kindness. I also know that my horses would not be so open with her if they had any reservations, and to me that is the highest approval there is. I would highly recommend Rachael to anyone who is curious about what their horses really think. I can’t thank her enough for the insights she’s given me.
Book your own session now!
I was intrigued when I heard about Rachael’s talent to connect with your horse and facilitate communication. Having adopted an ex-racer and being somewhat of a novice I felt I needed all the help I could grasp at this early stage of our partnership. We both had our issues and I felt I really wanted to understand him at a deeper level. I was slightly sceptical but kept an open mind as I wasn’t really sure what to expect. Rachael immediately puts you at ease and after connecting with your equine companion talks you through her findings. I was really blown away by how intuitive and enlightening the communication was – it has really helped me understand my horse more and given me strategies to help him and I develop a deeper understanding. I felt after the reading like I had peeled back several layers of barriers to our communication and I learnt so much more about not only our partnership but also about my own development/behaviours. It inspired me and assisted my understanding in how we can grow together in our partnership. Recently I was concerned about some signs my horse was giving me and I was failing to understand – Rachael connected with him again and through her reading I was able to identify what the problem was and how I may help him through it ……….. The next few weeks I took a different attitude with his behaviour and sure enough he seemed to positively respond and life is so much happier for us both. I would definitely recommend Rachael’s services if you want a real insight into how you can develop a positive rapport and relationship with your horse.
Rachael has provided very powerful insights into the emotional world of my horse Ernie. The information that she picked up for me has genuinely enabled me to bring him what he needs.
I cannot recommend her enough.
Hear Mandy speak to what Outrageous knew about her and was able to share through Rachael
I have worked with Rachael for a number of sessions with my small herd. She is amazing and has a wonderful gift that allows you and your animals to connect and work together. Rachael is such a warm, kind, approachable person to work with. The whole experience is compassionate and enlightening. Plus funny at times as the different personalities shine through in each session. The relationship I have with my horses has hugely benefited both in practical and emotional ways. I would not hesitate in recommending Rachael as an important part of your animal care team.
My American miniature horse “Outrageous” and I were at a terribly low point when I contacted Rachael for a reading. He had seen various vets, presenting varied symptoms which no one seemed to be able to identify. He was obviously suffering and depressed. Eventually the vet diagnosed arthritic changes in his neck, causing neurological damage, recommending he should be put to sleep. During his reading he was able to tell Rachael it wasn’t his neck it was his knees. Outrageous was subsequently re x rayed and sure enough the problem was his hocks, so thankfully he is receiving treatment and once again enjoying life! As if this isn’t enough following the very emotional reading, where we were both able to convey our absolute love and respect for each other our already close relationship is better than ever. One last thing I shall share is….. During the live reading the amazing Rachael slipped into the conversation “It’s funny I know your name is Mandy but he insists on calling you Candy, I don’t know why” mind bogglingly I was adopted as a child and pre adoption my name was Candida but was called Candy! It would seem our equine friends are able to read our very soul!
Case Studies

So today I had a phone call with Rachael from Equisentient Coaching. I was chosen to be treated to a 45 minute Animal Reading & Coaching Call with Rachael and my horse as a ‘Random Act of Kindness’.
I decided I wanted to communicate with Finley, a horse I’ve had since he was 6 months old.
Dubious at first but for anyone who knows me will be aware I am very open minded to these things, so was looking forward to our call.
My expectations were met and passed as Rachael accurately told me character and personality traits of Finley. We spoke about his behaviour patterns, good and bad and their reasonings, and it made things I already thought I knew clearer, or connected a dot I hadn’t really thought about.
Rachael said she spoke to Finley about trying to trust other people a bit more instead of just getting defensive if things aren’t done exactly as I would. I’m looking forward to seeing possible results of this.
It was also nice to discuss his feelings after our accident, I wanted to apologise and make sure he was aware I didn’t blame him for anything. His response was mutual and really what I needed to hear to confirm we have both truly moved on now.
Hearing that your horse thinks of you as his world and has complete trust gave me goosebumps. As if we could both be blindfolded and still be in harmony. That he loves the games we play and the humour we have together, and that we don’t quite take life too seriously all the time!
He also told Rachael I am headstrong and occasionally fierce, but he loves me for it anyway, but I shouldn’t be so hard on myself for things not going how I expected or being perfect. This I need to listen too.
Finally I wanted to say if anyone is having any communication dilemmas with their animal companion I truly recommend giving this a try, it really did feel like a three way conversation and I personally think this has brought Finn and I even closer as a partnership.
So thank you Rachael, and of course thank you Finn.
Thank you for the communication you did with Tiffin and me. I noticed a big shift in him a few days later as he relaxed and we both had a deeper understanding of where he is and what he needs. In the 18 months I’ve had him, he has always had the capacity to heal others physically and emotionally but since your communication, he has opened up his own heart. My sense is that it is the first time he has truly trusted anyone in his life and the bond feels deep. He has been vulnerable and unsure of himself and his position in the herd and has been leaning on me for support in a way he never was able to before.
In the last 3 months since we spoke, he has moved through his insecurity and vulnerability and now seems more confident from an authentic place, rather than a dominant place of fear. He trusts me, he is relaxed and calm and is more comfortable and confident of his place in the herd too. He was even on his hind legs boxing in play with Mr Blue this week – something he never did before. He is quite simply transforming before my eyes. 3 months ago, he was rigid if I tried to stroke him. Now he is relaxed and enjoys a gentle stroke. that’s huge for him.
A massive thank you to you for opening the door for both of us and giving us the opportunity to move to a new place of relaxed confidence.
Hear what a difference a Reading & Coaching Call made to this mum and her daughter’s relationship with her horse
Wow, I’ve just had a reading with Rachael for Jack and Bramble.
It was really lovely to hear how the information from Jack and Bramble complemented each other, it felt a very rounded and balanced reading. The information was absolutely spot on! What I really loved about Rachael’s reading was her own sense of curiosity about the information she was giving me. She has a very natural way of delivering the information and it all felt ‘solution’ focused which meant that I came off the phone totally inspired by the guidance and with a lovely ‘feel good factor’.
Thank you Jack, Thank you Bramble and Thank you Rachael.
The change and progress we have made in our relationship has come so far forward in these three weeks, with our sense of mutual trust getting stronger all the time. In just 3 weeks we have moved from months of having to lure her with treats nearly ‘every step of the way’ to her just following me because I am there, and no treats until I am getting ready to finish and leave. I am so proud of her, my heart is bursting every time I come away after spending time with her.
The things I learnt about her from the call helped me change from being worried for her, to being more positive and look forward with her. She told you she had enjoyed all the fuss and affection she had received from being owned by teenagers and, although that’s not what her body language tells me, I have made a point of being more physically affectionate – not hard to do as she is very lovable, but hopefully not more than she is happy to accept. This trust has led to us working much more together as she learns what I am asking of her when exercising or riding.
She told you that in the past people have just told her what they expected, probably by what I call the ‘shove & shout’ method, but I prefer connection training encouraging her to do what I would like, but waiting for her to understand and choose to do it. She is much calmer with this now and I can see that she is concentrating on me and trying hard to understand and please me. She is such a sweet natured horse.
I am really grateful for the insight you gave me and happy and amazed at how it immediately strengthened the bond between Heidi and myself.
I realised the power of Rachael’s connection with my two horses even before I heard her feedback – I’d been having niggly issues with Cloud, my youngster, which were rapidly turning into mounting/schooling/hacking/everything issues! He was definitely more tuned into me after Rachael had connected with him, and that improved tangibly in the days after I caught up with Rachael and heard his side of the story. It was hugely reassuring to hear that my old trooper, Sam, is happy, although very amusing that he’d definitely put his best hoof forward when communicating with her, and had omitted to disclose any of his character flaws! What he had told her was absolutely spot on. What Rachael helped me realise, far more than I had done before, was that he can help provide guidance and reassurance to Cloud, and also me, as Cloud and I build our relationship and graduate to more exciting activities. It was rather daunting to hear that my youngster with limited steering and intermittent brakes wants to go ‘running’! Now armed with that knowledge, and understanding the importance of joining the dots together for him between what we do now and what we’ll do in the future, I’ve adapted our schooling sessions and, hey presto, our issues are disappearing fast! It was emotional hearing the feedback, but Rachael is incredibly supportive and at the end of our conversation I felt that I’d not only had feedback on my horses, but a powerful coaching session myself. I will definitely be back for more help next time I feel out of synch with either of my horses, and would absolutely recommend Rachael to anyone wanting an insight into their four-legged friend’s viewpoint.
Book your own session now!
Rachael, your reading was fantastic, you replied so quickly and were very patient when relaying Slippers reading to me. Having a reading with you from Slippers was useful in several ways – it confirmed things I already knew but more than that it brought into focus things that were on the edge of my brain like the information you relayed regarding my “healing” voice and that I should use it more. It also brought enlightenment and new perspectives focusing on old problems for me to explore with him. A lot of food for thought and homework! Thank you.
When you connected with Slips “live” to clarify certain points it was incredible, particularly when we got told off by him for getting over excited and taking too long!
I would love another reading with Slips in the New Year.
The insights Rosie gleaned about her dog Alfie’s sickness
I was led to have a reading and coaching call with Rachael after I met her at The Holistic Horse & Pony Centre in Ockham. At that time I had a share arrangement with Moonlight that was sadly coming to an end. I wanted to ensure that he had a harmonious progression to his new home. My reading with Moonlight helped me to be secure in my mind that he knew what was happening. It also reassured me that we had been doing the correct things with him throughout my time with him. It was an emotional and hugely rewarding experience. With my new horse, Sovereign, it has helped me to understand him better. It has given me the knowledge that I am currently on the right track with him. I have been able to get some practical advice about the stable he is currently in and as a result I am looking to move him into a stable better suited to his needs. He has had quite a journey in his life, travelling from Croatia as a driven horse and making the transition to a riding horse. He has allowed me to understand that the past is in the past and he is very much happy in the present. He also reassured me that he knows that I have things in hand and feels a deep bond with me. My two communications were far more than I had expected. Mainly the communication with Moonlight as this was an emotional transition and it assisted with this being easier. I can’t quite put into words how much this communication helped me to be able to accept and allow him to move on. My communication with Sovereign was light-hearted, interesting and even humorous at times! Just like our relationship. Mine and Sovereign’s relations after this communication has felt more relaxed and he’s been responding to me a lot more positively. Almost like when you’re unable to talk to someone and once you’ve been able to, everything flows a lot more smoothly! Lastly, my mum and I would like to send our eternal gratitude to Rachael for the amazing gift that she is bringing to the world. It was truly an invaluable experience which we will continue to use throughout our ownership of Sovereign.
“Animals – like humans – love to be heard”
Rachael is great on many levels… She’s clear on important practical questions – is my horse in pain and if so where? Or why won’t he leave the yard – what’s he asking for… ? She tunes into an animal’s personality quickly – even from a photo – which is reassuringly affirming and funny, and gives detailed info that only owners would understand – e.g. ‘he’s saying you’ve been doing little circular massage on his neck and he likes that’ ( I’d just had a T Touch lesson which Rachel didn’t know about but which involves tiny circular massage movements). With her background in coaching, the info is well delivered and sensitively done, which is just as well as much of it relates to us and what we’re doing in the rest of our lives. As a result the sessions are poignant, sometimes a little disconcerting, reassuring and extremely helpful in equal measure..! There’s a sense of a great soul connection and as a non-horseowner she brings an honesty, objectivity and clarity that’s really useful.
Rachael read all 5 of my pets, including 2 dogs, one of which passed away suddenly last November. His message was poignant. He said he’d been healthy and then suddenly died from cancer. This was spot on. He woke up one morning unable to move and within 3 hours had been operated on and let go under anaesthetic. We buried him under his favourite oak tree in our field at home. I was so relieved to hear he hadn’t suffered. Our baby Warmblood gave nothing away. Rachael said he was… “mirroring” my daughter….who gives nothing away. Interestingly, he’s “accident” prone and has had lots of time to mature over the 16 months since we’ve had him. My daughter has been recovering from a spine issue…..he said he would be ready when she was!! I could go on about the other 3, but you get the idea. Rachael has a gift. I have been singing her praises and thoroughly recommend other pet owners contact her. Our pets cannot speak “human”…..how wonderful to have Rachael pass on to us those messages we’d otherwise never hear. Thanks again Rachael. You truly are wonderful
If you would like to experience a remote Equine/Animal Communication & Coaching Call, simply click here.
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