Caroline, April & Vivien

What led you to me?
A reading from three years ago, after two new rescues/adoptions arrived into our family.

Was your call helpful?
Very – two very different sighthounds, both from very different backgrounds. Reassured me that what I was doing was ok, in spite of the disconnect in our communication styles.

Was it what you expected?
Very much so.

What were you most surprised by?
The age of both hounds and the accuracy of their personalities.

What was the most valuable aspect of your call?
Reassurance and confirmation that both hounds are comfortable in their own ways.

Has your relationship changed as a result?
I think it has for both, but we still have a way to go with the newest rescue.

A potential client is on the fence about whether to have a call with me; what would you say to them?
Do it!

Accuracy of the call

Information clearly explained

Responsiveness to your questions (i.e. did I answer them to your satisfaction)

Rate the professionalism and manner in which I carried out your call


Book a session with Rachael

Posted on

September 6, 2021

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