What led you to Rachael?
I ‘found’ her in a Mind, Body & Spirit Fair. Once I’d heard a little about what she did I realised how valuable it would be to have a reading.
How was your reading helpful?
Amazingly helpful! Helped me feel more relaxed about a number of things I’d been worried about, especially as I realised I’m more or less on the right track. Helped me see some things from a different perspective – very valuable insight.
Was it what you expected?
I was actually a bit blown away by the time spent with Rachael (which doesn’t happen that often as I’ve worked in a related field for many years). I wasn’t sure what to expect, as I’d never had this type of reading before, however the purity of energy and level of awareness Rachael has is rare, special and something I would recommend to others.
What were you most surprised by?
Too many things to mention, but definitely the advice I was given on how to develop certain aspects of my job!
What was the most valuable aspect of your reading?
Knowing I can trust my intuition regarding him and that he’s happy.
Has your animal’s behaviour changed following the reading?
Yes, in small but lovely ways. There were no big problems prior to the reading, but he seems more affectionate and understood.
Has your relationship changed as a result?
Yes, he seems more relaxed and I definitely am about certain worries (e.g. going on holiday, niggling worries about the vet). Very hard to put into words, but it’s like we have a stronger understanding and appreciation of each other and our ‘family’ dynamics. I somehow feel he understands me better too and I’m more sure of my intuition regarding him.
A potential client is on the fence about whether to have a reading with me; what would you say to them?
Get off the fence and do it – you’ll be amazed at the benefits to yourself and your companion animal.