What led you to me?
I found you through some of the Facebook groups we are both members of, in 2020 and you did a communication with my beautiful Edward Bear (Eddie) while he was in the physical world with me. The communication was so incredibly accurate and so definitely Eddie, when he crossed over to the non physical world, I wanted you to be the communicator to connect us again.
How was your call helpful?
The call was soooo helpful, because loosing my lifetime soul horse last month, has been the hardest blow to come to terms with. During the call I could feel Eddie’s energy with us. You read him sooooo incredibly accurately and the messages you passed on to me were everything I was desperate to hear and much more besides. The connection was my life line.
Was it what you expected?
I never expect anything, however, the communication was above and beyond anything I could hope for. As soon as you answered my call, I felt like I was in the warmest, most caring, honest and compassionate understanding hands and I felt you had Eddie there with you right away from the getgo.
What were you most surprised by?
I was not so much surprised by, but most thankful and at peace with the accuracy that you were able to get Eddie’s messages across to me. There was no doubt, question or hesitation in my mind that Eddie was with us wholeheartedly and it was absolutely wonderful for me.
What was the most valuable aspect of your call?
The most valuable aspect of our call communication was the way you were able to allow me to listen to Eddie’s view and understanding of our incredibly precious time on earth together and it gave me sooo much peace of mind and soooo much love for my beautiful beautiful horse. And also the incredible amount of love from my horse to me – priceless.
Did our call save you time and/or money in identifying and remedying an issue?
Oh yes. Eddie let me know what I now need to get on and to heal myself. He let me know it’s my time to put my health as a priority now and move forward with everything Eddie has given to me. An incredibly ‘special’ soul. One of a very special kind.
Has your horse or pony’s behaviour changed following the call?
N/a this time round. However, I can confirm that last year when my horse was here with us, that call definitely helped me to understand his behaviour that bit better and help him experience things in a much more positive way. It was like another piece of the jigsaw puzzle falling into place.
Has your relationship changed as a result?
It had given me peace and an open heart in the knowledge that our energetic connection will always be there and we are together always and the knowledge that everything I thought to be the case, Eddie was able to confirm it to me clearly through Rachael’s communication that it was the case, which means the world to me.
What could I change or do to improve my call service?
Well as far as I’m concerned, there is nothing you could change or do to improve your call service. You are an incredibly gifted communicator and lovely caring empathetic person and the call meant the world to me. Thank you.
A potential client is on the fence about whether to have a call with me; what would you say to them?
Absolutely go for it. Rachael is absolutely brilliant. She has helped me on two occasions and both times been amazing at making the call a 3-way conversation with clear understanding on all sides. Rachael gave my beautiful horse, Eddie, a voice and I was able to completely listen, understand and act upon, reaping wonderful improvements to the quality of my horse’s existence and our relationship together. She really is an amazing lady.
Is there anything else that you’d like to tell me that I haven’t asked about? (Friends reactions, business impact etc)
Yes, last night I received the most amazing validation to our call. Do you remember me trying to explain how when Eddie advised me to hose myself down and wash away the muddy negativity of the actual place we were residing at and I described a feeling of being like cocooned in a shield like a caterpillar is until it sheds its skin to fly away free just like the butterfly? Well last night I was reading a new book by a psychic, John Edwards, and he described something in his book about his experiences as a psychic in exactly the same way – as a caterpillar shedding its cocoon and freeing itself to fly free as a butterfly. I knew instantly that it was Eddie’s nod to me and at the moment I felt his light, airy, free loving energy there and then. Real love