What led you to Rachael?
I have had a number of issues with my horse which vets have not managed to determine a reason for, suggesting that the problems were not physical. As such, an animal communicator was something I had considered but never followed up. The British Dressage Facebook page had a post about this very subject and you were highly recommended.
How was your call helpful?
I have a good understanding of my horse’s mental wellbeing and have tried to work / manage him with this in mind. Your call confirmed that I am doing right by him, and that he needs me to continue in the same vein. In addition, your input revealed reasons as to why he is the way he is and I have made a number of new changes which are already reaping benefits.
Was it what you expected?
I was sceptical before doing this, but open to anything which could help my horse, especially after vets input has only gotten us so far. It was far more insightful and emotional than I expected. I almost still can’t believe how accurate and revealing the communication was.
What were you most surprised by?
My horse provided words and images of things that I know we have done in training, and things he finds very frightening. For this to be provided by you, a person whom I have never met or spoken to about my horse, was quite simply astonishing.
What was the most valuable aspect of your call?
The call has reaffirmed to me that I am interacting with my horse just as he needs, and that he needs time. I also have an insight into why he is a certain way, which has made me more appreciative of why he gets so frightened and that he needs me to help him through this. As a result of the call, whereas I was starting to doubt if I would ever progress with this horse, I now feel that I just have to be far more patient, and it will reap rewards.
Did our call save you time and/or money in identifying and remedying an issue?
I have already had a large number of exploratory procedures undertaken with my horse, and this reading was one of the final steps before reconsidering my options – worst case scenario being that I turn the horse away / retire him. Therefore financially, I was probably at the end of the road of what I was going to spend. Time wise – I feel I now have answers which finally make sense and can positively focus on the right approach / training programme.
Has your relationship changed as a result?
I have a very close relationship with this horse and he trusts me implicitly. However, I find that I am much more patient with his quirks now as I know it truly comes from a place of fear – it saddens me that he feels this way and I want him to be able to relax and feel safe. I don’t feel that my horse has necessarily changed towards me, but I know my mindset towards him is much more understanding.