What led you to me?
I have chatted to Rachael before and find her a huge help!
How was your call helpful?
Delaney is my horse husband. A huge part of my life for 20 years now. I just wanted to know if his life is happy and he is OK.
Was it what you expected?
Absolutely, always! She was able to tune in to his strong personality and acknowledge his own worries around vets etc
What were you most surprised by?
His absolute love and connection.
What was the most valuable aspect of your call?
I needed to know if he was comfortable and happy. And he said I can sit on his back, no work, just connection.
Did our call save you time and/or money in identifying and remedying an issue?
Has your equine or animal’s behaviour changed following the call?
He is still all snuggly when I went out to him after the call. I just wanted to chat to him.
Has your relationship changed as a result?
I think from now on, I will make more time to take him away from the others, and give him some extra love.
A potential client is on the fence about whether to have a call with me; what would you say to them?
Go do it! It has always worked for me. We all need lots of different support as horse/pony/donkey owners. You won’t regret the call.
Jackie, Ireland