Michelle & Poseidon

What led you to me?
I am on a journey to connect deeper with the horses we are blessed to have in our life. I’m searching for more understanding and clarity of their needs and wants. Your website came up at just the right time and I immediately felt pulled to connect with you.

How was your call helpful?
It provided a feeling of understanding and it helped me move through blocks I was struggling with.

Was it what you expected?
I think it was more than I expected. Especially having you, Rachael, as what was connecting us. You have a beautiful energy about you. Calming, forgiving, understanding. And I thank you for being who you are.

What were you most surprised by?
Poseidon’s sense of humor was one thing. But I was really drawn to how the horses didn’t hold grudges with one another. With how they took accountability for their own self. As we all should.

What was the most valuable aspect of your call?
The clarity of understanding how they view their present being. There are many life lesson we can learn from these amazing teachers. But keeping in mind they are not tools, but partners.

Did our call save you time and/or money in identifying and remedying an issue?
The call was a much needed addition to how I was searching for resolutions.

Has your equine or animal’s behaviour changed following the call?
Our boy Poseidon is a passionate and expressive being. Usually a bit on edge until he can get moments to settle in with what’s going on. But the day following the connection he seemed more relaxed. He allowed me to move around him with ease. He gave a lot of releases as he and his herd came to greet me at the gate. His energy seemed more “chill”.

Has your relationship changed as a result?
Our relationship is always strengthening. But this has allowed the blocks to flow so our communication can flow which I feel will help both of us through this journey of life together.

A potential client is on the fence about whether to have a call with me; what would you say to them?
Take a moment. You were pulled in this direction for a reason. Try it with an open heart, an open mind and allow yourself to receive the messages intended for you and your animal partners. If you try with curiosity you can open a door to so much possibly and greatness. You are guided to areas in your life for a reason. You are here because you are meant to be here. Try not to allow fear, doubt or another’s doubtful opinion to get in the way of your expansion to this life.


Book a session with Rachael

Posted on

November 20, 2022

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